Dogs are great companion animals but owning one means you have particular responsibilities, both to your pet and also to the general public. All dog owners residing and visiting the West Tamar municipal area must abide by the Dog Control Act 2000 (the Act) and associated regulations and policies. These provide for the control and management of dogs, as well as informing the community of what Council expects from dog owners.
More information can be found in Council’s Dog Management Policy 2020 here:

Dog Registration
All dogs over six months of age must be microchipped and registered with Council. Registrations are renewable every year on June 30.
You will be issued with a Lifetime Tag to place on your dog once it is registered to assist in its safe return should it go missing. The following information is held in the Council’s dog register:
- the dog’s name, age, sex and reproductive capacity
- the dog breed if identifiable
- whether the dog is a dangerous dog
- the owner’s name and address
- any other information about the dog the Council considers relevant.
Payment for first time registrations must be made at either our Riverside or Beaconsfield office. You will also need to provide relevant certificate/papers for proof of desexing, microchipping and/or breeding. Please complete the Dog Registration Form and return it to Council.
Dog Registration fees are available in Council’s Fees & Charges.
Or you can use our online portal to directly pay your Dog Registration here
Number of Dogs Allowed
Under the Act you are required to apply for a kennel licence in addition to your dog registration if you intend to keep more than two dogs over the age of six months; or more than four working dogs over the age of six months.
Please complete the Kennel Licence application and return it to Council if you wish to apply for a kennel licence.
All dogs over the age of six (6) months in Tasmania are required to be microchipped, this ensures all dogs can be identified if lost or stolen.
Change of Owner Details
Up-to-date information is vital when trying to reunite dogs with their owners. You should advise Council whenever you change phone numbers or address.
A change of details form can be downloaded for completion on our website. Please remember to also advise changes to the microchip registration company.
If you sell or give away your dog you must notify the Council that you no longer own the dog.
Lost and Found
If your dog goes missing it is important to contact Council on 6323 9300. You must provide a description of your dog, where and when it went missing and your contact details as soon as possible. A Council officer will return your call as early as possible.
If your dog is found and you are unable to be contacted, your dog may be impounded and you will be charged a release fee and any other fees or charges that are applicable under the Act.
Barking Dogs, Nuisance and Complaints
If you are experiencing problems with yours or a neighbours dog that is barking excessively, please see the attached Barking Dog information sheet for useful tips and recommendations.
If the barking issue can not be resolved between neighbours, Council has developed a Barking Action Request Kit to assist residents who are disturbed by other dogs. The kit contains information, sheets for recording the dates/times barking is occurring and a Notice of Complaint form.
A Council officer can impound your dog if it is found at large outside your property. If your dog has been seized and impounded, you will be given five (5) working days after having received the notice to pay any fees due in relation to the dog’s seizure and detention, any other fees or charges that are applicable under the Act and the appropriate registration fee if the dog isn’t already registered. After payment of these fees the dog(s) will be released to the owner.
Lead in Public Places
It is a requirement of the Act that all dogs are kept under effective control at all times.
The dog must be secured and restrained by means of a lead not exceeding 2 metres in length and held by a person of sufficient age and strength to control the dog when in a public place.
Under Effective Control
The owner or person in charge of a dog must make sure it is effectively under their control.
In an area where a dog is not required to be on a lead, a dog (other than a greyhound, a dangerous dog or a restricted breed dog) is considered under effective control if:
– it is in close proximity to the person; and
– it is in sight of the person; and
– the person is able to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of an authorised person, that the dog is immediately responsive to commands.
Failure to keep a dog under effective control, could result in an infringement.
Dog Exercise Areas
Information about dog exercise areas within the West Tamar municipality can be found here.