Beekeeper Registration
As part of the implementation of the Biosecurity Act 2019 (the Act), beekeeping is now considered a ‘regulated dealing’ and under the Act, a person must not engage in a regulated dealing unless they are registered.
Therefore, registration is now compulsory for all Tasmanian commercial and recreational beekeepers.
This requirement was formalised in new Biosecurity Regulations 2022 which came into effect on 2 November 2022.

The requirement to register under the Act extends to beekeepers who were previously registered under the Animal Health Act 1995, more information about who needs to be registered and the conditions of registration can be found via the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Website beekeeper registration information.
A link to the registration form can also be found on that website.
Livestock includes cattle, horses, swine, sheep, goats and deer. Rules relating to livestock on roads are covered in the Road Rules 2019 which is enforced by Tasmania Police.
For further information or to report livestock on roads please phone Council on 6323 9300 to speak with a Municipal Inspector.
If you do or are considering keeping poultry, please bear in mind the following:
- Do you have the time to clean the pen/s and maintain them regularly to prevent offensive odours?
- Do you have adequate room to prevent offensive odours?
- Is the position of the pen going to create a nuisance to your neighbours? e.g. smell or noise
The following are some tips to aid in the successful keeping of poultry:
- Ensure all food is stored and sealed in vermin-proof containers.
- Ensure adequate clean water and shelter is available at all times
- Regularly clean out the housing or yard to ensure all waste is removed and disposed of appropriately
- Do not wash waste products into adjoining properties or watercourses
- Do not overfeed or leave food scraps lying around which will attract vermin or nuisance bird species
- Ensure the land is adequately fenced and enclosures are constructed to exclude entry of vermin. For example, install vermin proof mesh under the floor of aviaries and poultry houses
- Limit the number of animals to a manageable size
- If you have a rooster, you MUST ensure it does not cause a noise nuisance to neighbours
For more information or to discuss keeping poultry, please contact Council’s Environmental Health Department at our Riverside office on (03) 6323 9300.
Tasmania has only three snake varieties – tiger, copperhead and white-lipped. All have the capability of inflicting a poisonous and potentially life threatening bite. If you do see a snake, stand still and it will most likely leave you alone.
Should a snake visit your house you can contact:
- Reptile Rescue Tasmania – 0499 116 690
- Simon Shuker – 0448 703 711 (Beaconsfield & surrounds)
- Ashley Bishop – 0477 604 597 (Launceston & surrounds)
- Trent Williams – 0417 126 797 (Launceston & surrounds)
- Peter Vanderberg – 0413 671 927 (Launceston & surrounds)
they have the equipment and training to remove and release it safely into a suitable area.
The West Tamar municipality has a large road network where wildlife activity is high, especially from dusk to dawn. Unfortunately, vehicular traffic causes wildlife injuries and fatalities across our road network both in residential and rural environments.
When driving on When driving on roads within the West Tamar municipality please:
- Adhere to all road signage and drive to the road and weather conditions.
- Take extra care and slow down between dusk and dawn and minimise travel during these times, as this is when Tasmanian wildlife is most active.
- Maintain a safe speed, even consider reducing your travel speeds during dusk and dawn so you will have more time to avoid an animal on the road in a controlled manner.
- Don’t throw food out of your car as this may attract wildlife to the roadside.
- For your safety and the safety of passengers and oncoming traffic, do not swerve around animals on the road. This sudden action increases the chance of an accident occurring. If an animal cannot be avoided safely, you may have to hit it to avoid injury or death to yourself and others.
If you come across roadkill that needs to be removed from the road, please report it to us on (03) 6323 9300 or via
Injured Animal Rescue
If you find live offspring, please take the animal to a veterinarian or call the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary Rescue Line 24 hours a day on 0447 264 625.
Bonorong operates Tasmania’s largest 24-hour wildlife rescue service. This service provides safety and care to thousands of animals every year. Further information can be found.
Additional Information and Resources
The Tasmanian Government provides further resources including a Tasmanian roadkill reporter app and an online roadkill reporting form.