West Tamar is home to numerous recreation and sporting groups.  Contact details for many of these can be found below.


Beaconsfield Angling Club
Contact: Jason Roach
Street Address: 91 Pomona Road, Riverside, Tas 7250
Postal Address: 91 Pomona Road, Riverside, Tas 7250
Phone: 03 63827 2988
Mobile: 0417 300 485


Launceston Little Athletics
Contact: Andrew Cassidy
Street Address: 430 West Tamar Highway, Riverside, Tas 7250
Postal Address: PO Box 58, Riverside, Tas 7250
Mobile: 0417 165 219
Email: castevs@msn.com


Holwell Badminton
Contact: Mrs J Adams
Address: 1074 Holwell Road, Holwell, Tas 7275
Phone: 03 6396 3313

Legana Badminton
Contact: Jill Bayne
Street Address: Legana Memorial Hall, Fulton Street, Legana, Tas 7277
Phone: 03 6330 2180

Northern Tasmania Badminton Association
Contact: Mrs Shelia Bird
Address: 40 Evans Road, Karoola, Tas 7267
Phone: 03 6393 6467
Mobile: 0419 936 469

Riverside Badminton Club
Contact: Mr Steve McElwee
Mobile: 0407 272 419

Tamar Valley Social Badminton Club
Beaconsfield Community Centre
Contact: Angela Lindsay – anglin22@gmail.com or 0417 335 429
Geraldine Brown – gmbrown77@gmail.com or 0438 135 072


Beauty Point Bowls and Community Club
Address: 11 Mainwaring Street, Beauty Point, Tas 7270
Phone: 03 6383 4314

Exeter Bowls Club Inc
Street Address: Murray Street, Exeter, Tas 7275
Postal Address: PO Box 43, Exeter, Tas 7275
Phone: 03 6394 4235

Trevallyn Bowls Club
Street Address: Gorge Road, Trevallyn, Tas 7250
Postal Address: PO Box 8005, Launceston, Tas 7250
Phone: 03 6331 2070


Beaconsfield Cricket Club
Street Address: Fysh Street Ground, Beaconsfield, Tas 7270
Postal Address: PO Box 70, Beaconsfield, Tas 7270

Beauty Point Cricket Club
Contact: Jason Savage
Street Address: Beauty Point, Tas 7270
Postal Address: 140 Oxford St, Beauty Point, Tas 7270
Mobile: 0408 008 321

Exeter Cricket Club
Contact: Chris Reid
Phone: 03 6394 3033
Email: Reidy_bp@yahoo.com.au

Legana Cricket Club
Contact: Chris Demeyer
Street Address: 1 Bulman Drive, Legana, Tas 7277
Mobile: 0448 934 318
Email: leganacc@gmail.com

Riverside Cricket Club
Contact: Sallie Scott
Street Address: 1 Windsor Drive, Windsor Community Precinct, Riverside, Tas 7250
Postal Address: PO Box 756, Riverside, Tas 7250
Phone: 0437 252 624
Email: theriversidecricketclub@gmail.com


West Tamar Dance Academy
Contact: Bridie Youd
Address: Operating out of Exeter High School during school terms
Email: wtdanceacademy@gmail.com

Dog Club

Exeter Sheepdog Club
Contact: Mr Allan Middleton
Postal Address: 6 Bell Street, Beaconsfield, Tas 7270
Phone: 03 6383 1573
Email: middie2@bigpond.com


Beaconsfield Fitness Classes
Contact: Beaconsfield Neighbourhood House
33 Grubb Street, Beaconsfield
Ph: 03 6383 1110
Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday – Tone and Balance class, Circuit class, Fitball class

Erin Woolley Personal Training for Seniors
Contact: Ms Erin Woolley
Phone: 03 6330 1572


Beauty Point Mini League
Contact: Dearne Richardson
Mobile: 0400 582 674
Email: dearne.richardson@bigpond.com

Bridgenorth Football Club
Street Address: Bridgenorth Recreation Ground, Bridgenorth, Tas 7277
Postal Address: 385 Loop Road, Bridgenorth, Tas 7277
Phone: 03 6330 1710

Launceston Football Club
Street Address: Windsor Park, Riverside, Tas 7250
Postal Address: PO Box 1277, Launceston, Tas 7250
Phone: 03 6327 3424
Email: generalmanager@launcestonfc.com.au

Riverside Grasscutters Touch Football Club
Contact: Tim Elliott
Phone: 03 6327 3969


Exeter Golf Club Inc.
Contact: Sue Clark
Contact: Roslyn Burr (Ladies President)
Street Address: West Tamar Highway, Exeter, Tas 7275
Postal Address: PO Box 54, Exeter, Tas 7275
Phone: 03 6394 4427

Greens Beach Golf Club
Address: Greens Beach Road, Greens Beach, Tas 7270
Phone: 03 6383 9102

Grindelwald Golf Club
Address: Grindelwald, Tas 7277
Phone: 03 6330 2111

Riverside Golf Club Incorporated
Street Address: 244 West Tamar Road, Riverside, Tas 7250
Phone: 03 6327 3312
Email: info@riversidegolf.com.au


EFM Health Club
Contact: Mr David Manktelow
Address: Windsor Community Precinct, 1 Windsor Drive, Riverside, Tas 7250
Mobile: 0408 559 050
Email: windsor@efm.net.au

Fitness 4U
Contact: Trish Nes
Street Address: Windsor Community Precinct, 1 Windsor Drive, Riverside, Tas 7250
Postal Address: PO Box 121, Legana, Tas 7277
Mobile: 0400 067 197
Email: fit.nes4u@gmail.com

Legana Health & Fitness
Contact: Ms Natalie Treloar
Street Address: 2-4 Kenny Court, Legana, Tas 7277
Phone: 03 6330 2171
Mobile: 0419 501 869


Riverside Gymnastics Club
Street Address: Max Fry Hall, Gorge Road, Trevallyn, Tas 7250
Mobile: 0416 227 136
Email: riversidegymnasticsclub@gmail.com

West Tamar Gymnastics Club Inc.
Street Address: Exeter High School Gymnasium, Glen-Ard-Mohr Road, Exeter, Tas 7275
Facebook: www.facebook.com/westtamargymnastics/
Email: westtamargymnasticsclub@gmail.com


Hockey Tasmania
Street Address: 19 Bell Street, New Town, Tas 7008
Postal Address: PO Box 96, New Town, Tas 7008
Phone: 03 6327 2877
Email: admin@hockeytas.com.au

Horse Drawn Vehicles

Tasmanian Horse Drawn Vehicle Foundation
Phone: 03 6343 1308
Email: brandycreekcarriage@hotmail.com

Horse Riding

Birralee and Districts Pony Club
Contact: Johanna Wynwood
Street Address: 840 Frankford Highway, Glengarry, Tas 7275
Postal Address: 165 Glengarry Road, Glengarry, Tas 7275
Phone: 03 6396 3283
Mobile: 0427 371 320
Email: jowynwood@bigpond.com

Tamar Adult Riding Club
Contact: Helmut Rechburger
Address: 36 Annears Road, Blackwall, Tas 7275
Phone: 03 6383 9234
Email: helmut.anne@bigpond.com

Life Saving

Launceston Surf Life Saving Club
Contact: Geoff Lyons
Street Address: Trevallyn Dam, Riverside, Tas 7250
Postal Address: cl-27 Guildford Road, Riverside, Tas 7250
Phone: 03 6327 3773
Email: launcestonslsc@slst.asn.au


Esk Valley Orienteering Club
Contact: Donelda Niles
Email: christine.brown@internode.on.net


Tamar Rowing Club
Street Address: 14 West Tamar Road, Trevallyn, Tas 7250
Postal Address: PO Box 631, Launceston, Tas 7250
Phone: 03 6334 2141
Email: admin@tamarrowingclub.org.au


Exeter RSL Club
Contact: Mr Graeme Walters
Street Address: Lot 1 Murray Street, Exeter, Tas 7275
Postal Address: PO Box 81, Deloraine, Tas 7304
Phone: 03 6396 3219


Riverside Olympic Football Club
Street Address: Olympic Park, Launceston, Tas 7250
Postal Address: PO Box 1438, Launceston, Tas 7250
Email: admin@riversideolympic.com.au
Website: www.riversideolympic.com.au


Eagles Softball Club Inc.
Contact: Sarah French
Postal Address: PO Box 465, Launceston, Tas 7250
Mobile: 0438 161 277
Email: eagles.softball.club@hotmail.com


Exeter Community Hub
Contact: Tamar Visitor Centre
Street Address: Murray Street, Exeter
Phone: 03 6394 4454


Gravelly Beach Swim Centre
Street Address: 363 Gravelly Beach Road, Gravelly Beach, Tas 7276
Postal Address: Gravelly Beach,
Mobile: 0447 337 184

Riverside Swimming Pool
Contact: Mr Trent Hadley
Address: Eden Street, Riverside, Tas 7250
Phone: 03 6327 3910

Tamar Valley Resort Pool
Address: Tamar Valley Resort, Grindelwald, Tas 7277
Phone: 03 6330 0400


Beaconsfield Tennis Club
Street Address: Shaw Street, Beaconsfield, Tas 7270
Postal Address: 226 Valley Road, Sidmouth, Tas 7270
Phone: 03 6394 7140

Greens Beach Tennis Club
Contact: Allen Beecroft
Postal Address: 89 Dion Crescent, Riverside, Tas 7250
Phone: 03 6327 2493
Mobile: 0417 352 688
Email: allan.beecroft@bigpond.com

Legana Tennis Club
Street Address: Legana Recreation Ground, Legana, Tas 7277
Postal Address: PO Box 50, Legana, Tas 7277
Phone: 03 6330 2362
Mobile: 0418 301 613

Riverside Tennis Club
Contact: Linda de Water (Treasurer) / Max Byrne (President)
Street Address: 2 Eden Street, Riverside, Tas 7250
Postal Address: 8 Pendennis Street, Riverside, Tas 7250
Phone: 03 6327 1166 (Linda) or 0438273147 (Max)
Email: ldewater@bigpond.com.au or flomax@bigpond.com.au


Deviot Sailing Club
Street Address: Gravelly Beach, Tas 7276
Postal Address: PO Box 224, Launceston, Tas 7250
Phone: 03 6343 3772

Port Dalrymple Yacht Club
Contact: Raylene Callaway
Postal Address: PO Box 361, Beauty Point, Tas 7270
Phone: 03 6383 4110
Email: office@pdyc.org.au

Contact: Bob Silberberg
Postal Address: PO Box 361, Beauty Point, Tas 7270
Mobile: 0417 583 866
Email: bpm4@hotkey.net.au

Tamar Yacht Club
Contact: Janette Elmore
Address: 7 Park Street, Launceston, Tas 7250
Phone: 03 6331 8013
Mobile: 0417 037 050
Email: office@tyc.asn.au


Bright Beginnings Yoga
Contact: Claire Holloway
Street Address: 12 Kimberly Court, Trevallyn
Phone: 0401 919 954
Email: brightbeginningsyoga@gmail.com
Website: brightbeginningsyoga.com