Obtaining a Building Permit

The following information is designed to help you with the process for obtaining a building permit. However before you consider undertaking any building work, it is recommended that you check with Council’s Building Department as to whether a permit is required. Council officers are available to assist in outlining the application process so that you can gain a clearer understanding of the steps involved.

You may also require a Planning, Plumbing, or Vehicular Crossover Permit. For further information regarding these, please see the relevant pages.

General Requirements


Plans are to be prepared by an accredited Building Designer.

Responsibility for Identifying Property Boundaries

The owner is responsible for identifying property boundaries including easements.

Soil Testing (new dwellings / underpinning)

For all new dwellings, larger extensions or 2nd storey additions, obtain a soil test on the building site. This is to be provided by a Geotechnical Engineer and will determine the footing/slab system design.

Energy Efficient Design

Consult a building designer to ensure you maximise the energy efficient design of your home. Currently requirements are a 6 star rating.

Lodging an application

To assist with the application process Council has developed a number of checklists summarising the specific information that may be required.  These checklists are available to download from the below links.

Checklist – New House
Checklist – House Addition
Checklist – New Shed/Outbuilding

Once your application has been approved, documentation is returned as follows:
• Set of stamped approved plans is returned to the original applicant/agent.
• Set of stamped approved plans is forwarded to the building surveyor (if privately certified).
• Set of stamped approved plans retained by Council.

Should you have any questions relating to the lodgement of a Building application, please contact Council’s Building Department at our Riverside office.

Lodging an application electronically

Building and Plumbing applications may now be submitted in an electronic PDF format. Please follow the directions below in preparing and submitting your application.
• Preferably applications should be submitted via email to building@wtc.tas.gov.au.
• All documentation (as outlined above) must be included in the submission.
• All documentation provided must be in PDF format.
•All information submitted must be clearly identified with the address of the building work and the name of the agent/contact person for the work.

Please note:
• Please do not include links to websites, or include jpeg, tif formats, etc.
• Incorrect applications will not be accepted.
• Applications which cannot be submitted in the above format may incur additional processing fees or be rejected.

Application Fees

• Council’s fees and charges can be found at the following link.
• Building Fees and the State Training Levy will be calculated after successful submission of your application.
• After payment has been confirmed, your application will progress through the assessment process.

For further information on building fees, please contact Council’s Building Department at our Riverside office.

Owner Builder Guidelines

Current guidelines and useful information for owner-builders  is now available from the Department of Justice website.

Illegal Work

If you carry out work without a permit, a Building Notice or Order may be issued which will lead to demolition or a Permit of Substantial Compliance being necessary, increased fees apply to this application process and the possibility of an Infringement Notice being issued. This also encumbers the property, which means any future potential purchasers will be advised that the work was commenced outside of the required permit process.

Temporary Structures

As from the 1st January 2017, under the new Building Act 2016 Temporary Occupancy Permits, now become a function of the building surveyor who will grant, issue or amend a temporary occupancy.

TasWater Approval – Do I need a certificate?

Please discuss with your builder,  building designer or TasWater directly if this is necessary.

Do I need a permit for solar installation?

New requirements to allow for a greater size of an array of panels to be exempted from the requirement for a building permit and to provide for the creation of a scheme for the accreditation of solar installers.

Photo-voltaic solar panels installed on a building roof are exempt if:

  • the solar panels are installed by a person who holds a valid accreditation, to install solar panels, that is approved by the Director for the purposes of this regulation; and
  • the solar panels are parallel with the surface of the roof and there is not more than 100 millimetres between the top of the roof and the underside of the solar panel; and
  • the solar panels, or any part of the solar panels, do not overhang the roof surface at any point; and
  • the solar panels are not within 200 millimetres of the edge of the plane of the roof; and
  • the solar panel array does not result in more than 100 kilograms of dead load being placed on any single point where the solar panel array is attached to the roof; and
  • the solar panel array does not cover more than 38 square metres of – a single roof plane; or multiple roof planes that are supported by a single structure.