On this page you will find links to forms and information relating to Grants and Awards, Recreational Facilities and Youth.
Electronic Lodgement of Applications
Unless otherwise specified, Council will accept the electronic lodgment of completed applications in most situations.
If you have suitable PDF software, the majority of Council’s applications are designed to be completed and submitted electronically without the need to print and re-scan the application. This can be achieved by:
- opening the application form;
- completing all required input fields;
- adding a digital image signature or typing your name within the signature panel (this provides council with evidence of your intention to submit the form);
- saving the completed form onto your computer;
- attaching the completed form to an email and sending it to the specified email address or alternatively to wtc@wtc.tas.gov.au. Please ensure the email contains your full name.
Please contact us if you have any queries.