The Citizen of the Year Awards are proudly presented by the Australia Day Council of Tasmania and administered by local Councils.
The Awards recognise and reward individuals and organisations that have made a noteworthy contribution during the current year, and/or give an outstanding service over a number of years to the community, over and above normal employment duties.
Outstanding contributions and community service includes areas such as: education, health, fund-raising, charitable and voluntary services, business, sport, arts, the environment, or any other area that contributes to the advancement and well being of a community.
All residents of the West Tamar Municipal Area are eligible and nominations of non-residents who have made an outstanding contribution to the community will also be considered. The selection panel for the awards comprises the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors. The awards will be presented at council’s Australia Day Celebrations.
Nominations are accepted in the following categories:
- Citizen of the Year
- Young Citizen of the Year
- Young Sportsperson of the Year
- Community Event of the Year
- Community Group of the Year
Nomination forms can be accessed below or collected from one of our Council Offices during business hours.
Download a nomination form here:
- You may include supporting documentation such as newspaper articles, websites, personal references or history of previous awards with your nomination.
- Please do not nominate the same person more than once.
- Please provide contact details for both you and your nominee.
- The nomination form asks you to tell us about your nominee, you may like to answer the following questions: How are they an inspirational role model? How have they demonstrated excellence in their field and to the community?
- In answering these questions, you may consider the following: In what area and/or roles has the person excelled? How does the person stand out from the pack? How has their achievement/service been greater than what might be normally expected of a person their age and in their field?
- Focus on both the quality and quantity of their achievement/service. How much of their work has been voluntary, focused on helping others or making Australia a better place? Has the person overcome particular challenges or adversities to make their achievement? How difficult has their achievement been?
- You may like to consider how the person nominated makes you proud to be Australian? Is your view shared by others in your community? If so, who? Why should other Australians look to the person as a role model?
- Provide examples to support your statements. Don’t just make a statement – demonstrate it with examples.
For more information or assistance with your nomination please contact our Community Development Officer on 6323 9200.