The Beauty Point Foreshore master plan has been developed in conjunction with TasPorts and Tourism Northern Tasmania.

The plan aims to provide a future direction for the foreshore that will bring benefit to the community by providing better access to the foreshore and connection to the town, upgraded amenities, enhancing the natural and cultural assets of the area making it attractive to both locals and visitors.

New footpaths installed along the foreshore at Beauty Point as part of the Masterplan works.

A timeline has been provided below to detail the process since the adoption of the Master Plan and keep the community informed of how the project is progressing.

  • 2023: Pitt & Sherry supplied Preliminary Designs which was open for comment until 5pm Tuesday 29th August 2023.
    – At the July 2023 Council meeting, the tender for the Seawall repair on the Esplanade, Beauty Point was awarded to Sheriff Civil Contracting.
    – After an independent assessment, the play structure on the Esplanade, Beauty Point was deemed unsuitable and therefore removed in the first week of July 2023. The new playground has been ordered and is expected to be installed late in 2023.
    – Pitt & Sherry supplied Functional Layout Plans which we received feedback on from Friday 24th March until Monday 8th May 2023.
  • 2022: The Rotary Club of West Tamar and West Tamar Lions Club worked with Council to design the jointly funded, fully fenced All Abilities Playground.
    – Councillors were presented with an alternate design by external architects, however constraints identified during design review has meant that this plan will no longer be pursued.
    – The West Tamar Council worked closely with Pitt & Sherry to further develop concept drawings.
  • 2021: In the second half of 2021, Councillors were provided with an update on the Master Plan noting the proposed timber boardwalk wasn’t feasible and the existing concrete seawall is approaching the end of its useful life.
    – Stormwater upgrades and the replacement of kerb, parking bays and footpaths on Flinders Street, Beauty Point were also completed in preparation for future foreshore works.
    – Local residents were engaged on a proposal to change the Esplanade to one way traffic only to allow for more parking in the area.
  • 2020: The approved funding agreement was received in December 2020 and more detailed planning and design began.
  • 2019: Council was promised funding of $3 million from the Federal Liberal Government to proceed with upgrades to the Beauty Point Foreshore. 

The Beauty Point Foreshore Master Plan can be downloaded here.