Council’s meetings are open to members of the public and press and procedures are governed by the Local Government (Meetings Procedures) Regulations 2005 (the Regulations).

Council does not operate on a committee system and all decisions are made by the Council as a whole.

Meetings are held at 1:30 pm on the third Tuesday of every month (see below for 2024 dates). A period of 30 minutes is set aside for a public question time at which members of the public may ask questions concerning any Council related activities.

Please note that meetings will be shared between the Windsor Community Precinct in Riverside and the Exeter Community Hub.

Council’s Agenda for each meeting is displayed on the website and at the Riverside and Beaconsfield offices from the Friday prior to the Council meeting. The Council Meeting Minutes are available on the website from the Thursday following the meeting.

Meeting Dates for 2025

Meeting DateMeeting LocationMeeting Time
21 January 2025Riverside (Windsor Community Precinct)1.30pm
18 February 2025Riverside (Windsor Community Precinct)1.30pm
18 March 2025Riverside (Windsor Community Precinct)1.30pm
15 April 2025Riverside (Windsor Community Precinct)1.30pm
20 May 2025Riverside (Windsor Community Precinct)1.30pm
17 June 2025Riverside (Windsor Community Precinct)1.30pm
15 July 2025Riverside (Windsor Community Precinct)1.30pm
19 August 2025Riverside (Windsor Community Precinct)1.30pm
16 September 2025Riverside (Windsor Community Precinct)1.30pm
21 October 2025Riverside (Windsor Community Precinct)1.30pm
18 November 2025Riverside (Windsor Community Precinct)1.30pm
16 December 2025Riverside (Windsor Community Precinct)1.30pm

Public Question Time

Public question time is an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions about Council activities at an ordinary council meeting. Public question time includes a section for public questions with and without notice and limits any one speaker to a maximum of 3 minutes per question.

Public Questions with Notice

To submit a Question with Notice, please ensure up to 3 questions on any specific subject per person reaches us by Monday 5pm the week prior to the council meeting. For example: if the Council Meeting is being held on Tuesday, 16 January, your submission will need to be received by 5pm Monday, 8 January. If your submission misses the deadline, it will be held over to the following month.

If accepted, your question will be included in the meeting agenda and a response will either be provided at the scheduled meeting, or in writing in the following meeting’s agenda if further research or clarification is required.

The person asking the question does not need to attend the meeting for the question to be tabled.

Questions must include your name and contact details, and can be submitted by:

  • Email –
  • Post –
    General Manager
    PO Box 16,
    Riverside TAS 7250
  • In Person –
    Riverside Council Offices, 2-4 Eden Street, Riverside or
    Beaconsfield Council Chambers, 6 West Street, Beaconsfield

Please contact us if you require assistance.

Public Questions without Notice

Speakers are limited to a maximum of three (3) questions on any specific subject during Public Question Time at an ordinary council meeting. Speakers must state their name and address prior to asking their questions.

Questions must be directed to the Chairperson who will answer or direct the question to the appropriate Councillor or Council Officer. If the information is unknown it will be taken on notice and responded to in writing within ten business days. A period of 30 minutes is allocated to Public Question Time at each meeting.

A question by any member of the public and an answer to that question are not to be debated. Questions without notice and their answers, if provided, will be recorded in the meeting minutes. Members of the public are unable to take part in the council meeting outside of Public Question Time.

To assist with the compilation of minutes, it would be appreciated if community members with prepared questions could please provide a copy via or at the meeting.