If you are a West Tamar Council ratepayer you may be eligible for hardship assistance in the payment of overdue rates and charges where you are experiencing genuine and serious financial hardship.
For further information, see Council’s Financial Hardship Assistance Policy:
To apply for consideration for the deferral of rates and charges or remission of interest and penalties please complete either the online form below or download and submit your application to West Tamar Council, PO Box 16, Riverside Tas 7250 or wtc@wtc.tas.gov.au.
Remission of any rates, late payment penalties or interest, in part or in full, is reserved only for the most serious and exceptional of financial hardship cases. Even in these cases, deferral of rate payments must be applied for and granted first, before an application for rates remission can be considered.
If you are applying for assistance for more than one property you must complete an application for each property, as the nature, type and ownership of each may differ.
If you require assistance in completing the form, please contact us via (03) 6383 6350, (03) 6323 9300 or wtc@wtc.tas.gov.au
Financial Hardship Application
Declaration upon submitting
By submitting this application I confirm that the information provided within this Application for Financial Hardship is accurate, and there have been no misrepresentations or omissions of fact that would otherwise influence the review and decision of West Tamar Council.
Privacy Statement
The personal information on this form is required by Council for the purpose of assessing eligibility for rate relief. We will only use your personal information for this related purpose and Council must not disclose the information to any person or body who is not directly related to the purpose for which the information was collected. If this information is not provided, we may not be able to deal with this matter. Your personal information is explained in our Privacy Policy, which is available at https://www.wtc.tas.gov.au