Any person, group or business wishing to produce, sell or handle food or drinks intended for sale (including as part of tickets, barter, etc), is required to be compliant with relevant legislation including the Food Act 2003.
This includes not for profit organisations, sporting clubs, persons wanting to sell produce at markets as well as retail businesses and the like.

There are three types of Food Business Registration (Registration) requirements, these are:
Food Business Notification – this is required for food businesses handling or selling only low risk food or drink items.
Annual Food Business Registration – this is required for food businesses who operate from permanently constructed premises. Council’s Registration period follows the financial year with Registrations requiring renewal prior to June 30 each year.
Mobile Food Business Registration – this is required for food businesses operating from a temporary structure or food van. This can be applied for single events or as an annual registration. If applying for ongoing registration, the renewal period follows the financial year and requires renewal prior to 30 June each year. If you operate in various municipalities, you are able to apply for a Statewide Registration, negating the need to apply to each Council. However, you must apply to the Council in which the equipment/van is usually stored.
Please note: if applying for this type of registration, the structure is to be set up and operated in the same manner on each occasion.
For more information on state wide registration, please see the Statewide Registration Fact Sheet and the Guidelines for Mobile Food Businesses 2021 for information relating to setting up and operating a Mobile Food Business.
For all application types, please complete the Food Business Application Form and return it to Council. Once assessed, you will be advised of the application fee. Please also see the additional information page which outlines the process and extra information we may require as part of the application.
For more information regarding Food Businesses, please contact Council’s Environmental Health Team.
Labelling Information for Fundraising Events
Please see the information sheet below for information regarding labelling food for sale at fundraising events. For specific information regarding labelling food for sale, please see the Food Standards code at:

Pre-Purchase Inspection
If you are considering purchasing an existing food business, you may wish to apply to have a pre-purchase inspection undertaken. Once the completed application form and fee are submitted, one of Council’s Environmental Health Officer’s will undertake an inspection of the premises and provide you with a report regarding the compliance of the premises. If you wish to apply for this, please complete the Pre-purchase inspection request form and return it to Council with the applicable fee:
Public List
Council maintains a public list of food businesses registered within the municipality. To obtain a copy of this list please contact Councils Environmental Health Department on 6323 9300.

Food Safety and Training
The West Tamar Council takes food safety very seriously.
All food businesses have a legal responsibility to maintain certain levels of food safety skills and knowledge.
West Tamar Council is assisting food businesses to meet these obligations by providing free access to this exciting new training tool – DoFoodSafely
DoFoodSafely is a free, non-accredited, online learning program provided by the Department of Health Victoria and proudly supported by Tasmania Health.
New food businesses operating in the West Tamar municipality require assessment and approval before operating to ensure food safety standards are met.
There is a high demand for training within the food sector.
This training will assist food handlers in developing or revising the required skills and knowledge to ensure food is handled in a safe and hygienic manner.
By reading through the information in the seven topics as part of the DoFoodSafely training course, you will be ready to undertake the assessment quiz and gain your DoFoodSafely Certificate of Completion – a certificate that is well-respected by the food industry across Australia.
If you operate or are employed in a business that sells food in the West Tamar, it is required that you complete a food safety training course every 12 months.
To complete the DoFoodSafely course, simply click the link below:
Food Allergy Training
To learn more about food allergies and to complete the FREE food allergy training course, click this link: