West Tamar Council engaged Fitzgerald Frisby Landscape Architecture to undertake a Master Plan for the Council managed portion of land around the northern end of Greens Beach Road in the Greens Beach locality. 

The Study Area (referred to as the Greens Beach Foreshore Reserve) is bounded by the Greens Beach dunes to the north, residential development to the west, undeveloped land to the east and a caravan park, golf club and local shop to the south.

It incorporated picnic and recreational facilities including areas of open grass and vegetation as well as the roadway and shop frontage.

Greens Beach is well-loved by locals as well as visitors, particularly in summer as it is an easy day trip from Launceston.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that use has been increasing significantly in recent years. With the population in the region increasing and development in the local area expected. Council predicts this trend will continue.

It is important to note that the northern strip of the Study Area incorporates part of the Greens Beach Conservation Area.

The need for any development in this area needs to be carefully considered and sensitively implemented. Detailed plans must be submitted to the Parks & Wildlife Services for approval prior to implementation.

The endorsement of the recommendations, contained within the Greens Beach Foreshore Reserve Master Plan 2023 will provide a vision for the future of the Reserve which facilitates its continued use for recreation while protecting its cultural and ecological values.

The Greens Beach Foreshore Reserve Master Plan 2023, will be undertaken in stages, subject to council capital budget allocation and successful grant applications.

Download the Master Plan here: