When you receive a vaccination, the details are sent to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR), which is a national database for recording vaccinations given in Australia.

You can phone the AIR on 1800 653 809 (free call) for information about yours or your child’s vaccination status, regardless of where in Australia the vaccination was given. Alternatively, you can access your immunisation history through your Medicare online account via MyGov.

Immunisation Enquiries

It is recommended you first check with the AIR regarding vaccinations given, so a comprehensive record can be obtained.

If you wish to confirm or double check school vaccinations, Council can provide records of the vaccinations that have been given through the school immunisation program.

Access to immunisation records are only provided to a limited range of parties, including:

  • Parents and guardians of children under 18 years old can access their child’s records.
  • Individuals 18 years old and over can access their own personal records.

Please complete the form below to enquire about your personal immunisation records, or someone who you are the legal parent or guardian of, who is under the age of 18 years old.

Immunisation Inquiries Form

Any Previous Names
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Record Requested By

Record to be sent to:(Required)


DD slash MM slash YYYY

For information on submitting electronic forms, please visit the Application Forms & Information Page.

School Based Program

Council continues to offer a school based immunisation program. This involves visiting each school within the municipal area to vaccinate students in accordance with the Immunisation Schedule released by the Communicable Diseases Prevention Unit.
School based immunisations will be offered to all students in Grade 7 (human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria, tetanus & pertussis (dTpa) and Grade 10 (meningococcal ACWY).
For those children who are undertaking their schooling at home, these vaccinations are also available, however this must be arranged through a private doctor or Council clinic.

For further information regarding immunisations, please contact Council’s Environmental Health Department or Department of Health.

Public Clinics

Due to a significant decrease in attendance numbers, public immunisation clinics are no longer held at West Tamar Council. Alternate options for vaccinations are as follows:

  • visit your GP / family doctor.
  • attend Launceston City Council’s public immunisation sessions. These are held every Wednesday (except public holidays) from 10am to 11am at the Customer Service Centre within the Town Hall, St John Street, Launceston. Note: Bookings required.