Building projects that involve plumbing are now assessed against the categories of plumbing work as determined by the Director of Building Control. The categories of plumbing work is a risk based assessment from Category 1 (low risk) to Category 4 (high risk). This determination of Categories of Plumbing Work can be found on the CBOS website.

Once you have received your Plumbing Certificate of Likely Compliance/Plumbing Permit, prior to commencing work you must ensure a Start-Work Notification and Authorisation – Plumbing Work has been sent to Council.

You can download the form here:

As part of your Plumbing Certificate of Likely Compliance/Plumbing Permit it is a requirement to notify Council for the mandatory inspection stages as listed on these documents.

To organise an inspection, please contact Council on 6323 9315 or in person at the Riverside office.

NOTE: A minimum of two (2) working days notice MUST be given when booking an inspection.

For all plumbing enquiries contact Council’s Plumbing Department on 6323 9300 or attend our Riverside office.

Please also note that permits issued prior to January 1, 2017 will expire on June 30, 2020 unless renewed or completed. Further information can be found in CBOS’ Expired Permits Brochure.

You can view that document here:

On-site Wastewater

When planning a subdivision, development, alterations or new building proposal in a location where no sewerage connection is available, you need to consider the requirements for an onsite wastewater management system (OWMS). Such systems include septic tank or aerated wastewater management systems (AWTS) with a variety of land application methods available depending on the site and soil evaluation report and drainage design by an accredited consultant.

Before any work begins in relation to your OWMS, whether a new installation or changes to an existing system, you must first apply for and receive, a Plumbing Permit from Council. This application can be lodged in person at the Riverside office. Please ensure all required documentation and the application fee are submitted. The application is then assessed by Council’s Plumbing and Environmental Health staff. When all requirements are satisfied, a Plumbing Permit is issued.  

All work must be completed in accordance with the Plumbing Permit. Council must be notified of all mandatory inspection stages at least 2 working days before each stage is reached. To make a booking, please contact Council on 6323 9315. Additional inspections may be necessary if the work is not in compliance with the permit – these may attract an additional fee.

For information regarding the care and maintenance of septic tank systems, please see the Septic Tank Information Sheet:

For all enquiries regarding your OWMS please contact Council’s Environmental Health Department on 6323 9300 or in person at the Riverside office.

Plumbing – Forms and Information

For a full list of Plumbing Forms and Information, please see the Applications Forms & Information page