The West Tamar Council Positive Ageing Strategy (PAS) is designed to create a platform that will support and value the residents of the West Tamar Community as they grow older, and to build opportunities for partnerships, planning and participation for positive ageing.

The research and formulation of the West Tamar Council Positive Ageing Strategy 2022-27 has been undertaken by Council’s Community Services Department and community consultation has occurred through the West Tamar Positive Ageing Committee, with members representing a cross section of the West Tamar community.

To find out more please click the link:

PAC-tivity Guide 2024

The West Tamar Positive Ageing Committee is delighted to announce the launch of its first-ever comprehensive Activity Guide for the year 2024.

Packed with an array of engaging events and programs, this guide is designed to cater to the diverse interests and preferences of our vibrant community over 50s.

The PAC-tivity Guide was developed and supported by the committees three goals outlined Council’s Positive Ageing Strategy:

Goal 1: Inclusion, Engagement and Participation
Goal 2: Information, Facilitation and Support
Goal 3: Environment, Safety and Wellbeing

From January through December 2024, residents can look forward to a calendar brimming with exciting activities that promote social connection, health, and well-being.

The guide showcases a range of options, including classes, bus trips, educational workshops, and recreational events; ensuring there’s something for everyone.

This initiative aligns with the Council’s broader mission to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all residents. The PAC-ticity Guide will be available both in print and online, making it easily accessible for all members of the community.

Copies can be collected Council offices throughout the West Tamar and the Tamar Visitor Centre, or copies can be requested to be mailed to you by calling 6323 9200.


West Tamar Positive Ageing Committee

The West Tamar Positive Ageing Committee (WT PAC) is the responsible committee of Council for the review of the Positive Ageing Strategy.

WT PAC meets once a month to discuss issues pertinent to positive ageing in the West Tamar, including the implementation of the Positive Ageing Strategy. New members, men and women over the age of 50 residing in the West Tamar Municipal Area (WTMA), are always encouraged to join.

The PAS, its recommendations and priorities have been developed collaboratively by the committee, which includes representatives from the community and West Tamar Council elected members and staff. You can also follow them on Facebook.

Wish to Comment?
Queries and comments on the Positive Ageing Strategy and the Positive Ageing Committee can be directed to council’s Community Development Officer on 6323 9200 or in writing to PO Box 16, Riverside, Tasmania, 7270 or by emailing