Recently there has been a Statewide change in legislation to regulate Private Water Suppliers (PWS).

You are a PWS if you supply drinking water, obtained from a private water source (such as tank, bore, etc), to a premise that is used for:

  1. Commercial purposes (eg hotel, motel, B&B, short term accommodation)
  2. Health purposes (eg nursing home, hospital)
  3. Educational purposes (eg school, school camp, community camp)

If your premises falls into one of the above categories you are required to register with Council. This is to be renewed annually.

In order to apply for a PWS registration, please complete and return the Private Water Suppliers Application Form together with the applicable fee to Council’s Riverside office. Once a valid application has been received, an Environmental Health Officer will be in contact with you, possibly to organise an inspection.

You can download the application form here:

For more information regarding PWS, please see the PWS Brochure or contact Council’s Environmental Health Department on 6323 9300.