
Stormwater is the rainwater that runs off roofs, roads, footpaths and other surfaces into stormwater drains. This water then flows into creeks, rivers and other water catchments and eventually ends up in the ocean.


Groundwater and seepage are considered natural occurrences and the property owner is responsible for making provisions to manage this water. Groundwater is not to be discharged into Council’s stormwater system.

Private Drains

Drains and pipes that collect water on private property belong to the property owner. Owners are responsible for their drains up to the point of connection to the Council drain or kerb and channel, known as the legal point of discharge, or to a drainage easement that runs through the property. Council does not keep records of private or domestic drains on a property.

Further information in relation to stormwater and groundwater responsibilities can be found by downloading the Stormwater Runoff Responsibilities brochure.