Street Lighting
TasNetworks operate and maintain the street lighting system throughout Tasmania on behalf of Councils and other government road authorities. All street lighting outages or damage should be reported directly to TasNetworks on 132 004. More information can be found on the TasNetworks’ website.
Street Naming
In Tasmania addressing is Council’s responsibility. Generally land developers will submit proposed road and street names to Council for endorsement as part of the subdivision development. Following endorsement Council must submit the proposed names to the Nomenclature Board of Tasmania for registration using the Placenames Tasmania proposal process. Proposals need to conform to the Rules for Place Naming in Tasmania and any duplication with existing street names within Tasmania may be rejected.
Street Signage and Traffic Signals
As the designated road authority for all local public roads in the West Tamar region, the Council is responsible for the installation and maintenance of signs along local roads. The Department of State Growth is responsible for the maintenance of signs on State Roads, as well as being responsible for all traffic signals and electronic school speed signs across the state.
To assist road authorities with the management of road signage the Department of State Growth has developed the Tasmanian Roadside Signs Manual. This manual includes information relating to the administration, approval and responsibilities for:
• traffic control signs
• guide signs
• service information signs
• tourism information signs
• advertising / commercial signage.
Roadside Tourism Signs
Tourism signs are designed to direct visitors to features and facilities of interest. If you own or operate a commercial tourism business or natural, cultural or heritage features/attractions you may make enquiries with Council’s Tourism Development Officer (03 6323 9200) should you wish to erect tourism signs on a local road or apply to the Department of State Growth for approval to erect tourism signs on State roads.
How to report a damaged street sign
You can report a damaged or missing street sign online or alternatively telephone one of our customer service officers:
03 6323 9300 – Riverside
03 6383 6350 – Beaconsfield
03 6394 5385 – Exeter
Please provide a description of the problem and an exact location, street name and area.
How to report a faulty traffic signal
The Department of State Growth, through its Transport Systems Group, installs, manages and maintains traffic signals in Tasmania. If a traffic signal fault occurs please call 1300 139 933 (free call) or email
The Fault Phone Line is manned 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and personnel are available at any time to make safe any hazardous situation that may arise. Please note that the email address is only monitored from 9am to 5pm on weekdays.
Streetscape Furniture
Seats, tables, rubbish bins, bicycle racks, rest shelters and exercise equipment are common items of outdoor furniture supplied and maintained by Council. These items contribute to the quality and safety of public streetscapes and open spaces in the Region. The colour, style and quality of street furniture can enhance or detract from the character of an area and the image of a municipality as a whole. Therefore Council gives careful consideration to the suitability and amenity of outdoor furniture and undertakes consultation with relevant community groups prior to installation.
If you notice damage to streetscape furniture please report it to us providing a description of the problem and an exact location, street name and area. Contact us online or alternatively by calling one of our offices.