Waste management is a core business area for Councils. It encompasses all activities and services that revolve around collecting, disposing of and reducing waste. In dealing with waste management Council uses the most effective technologies and methods available whilst striving to protect environmental and public health.

All Tasmanian Councils run some form of garbage collection, recycling service and operate waste transfer stations and/or landfill sites.

The West Tamar Council also offer an opt-in Annual Special Rubbish Collection service, a Food Organics, Garden Organics (FOGO) service to urban areas of the West Tamar, and extra recycling options through our Recycling Hub in the Riverside Office and at the Beaconsfield Council Chambers.

Littering/Dumped Rubbish

Your co-operation is sought in maintaining the appearance of the community by assisting with the prevention of littering.

Many road verges continue to be inundated with litter and it takes considerable effort to restore and maintain their appearance.

Severe penalties exist under the Litter Act 1973 for littering and several of Council’s officers are appointed as authorised officers for the purpose of abating the problems of refuse dumping and littering in unauthorised areas.

You can help by ensuring your garbage is well contained and secure on collection days, keeping the verge clean near your home and picking up and disposing of unsightly litter.

If you see litter, please report it via rubbish.epa.tas.gov.au

Aspire – Circular Economy

The West Tamar Council is proud to be in partnership with other northern Councils, as well as the Northern Tasmanian Development Corporation (NTDC) and the Northern Tasmanian Waste Management Group (NTWMG) to allow businesses in our community to recycle waste products.

The digital platform ASPIRE works on circular economy principles and connects producers of waste with those who can reuse, repair, remake and recycle the products.

People and businesses in Northern Tasmanian council areas with fewer than 20 staff can join for free, while larger businesses are encouraged to also join for a small fee.

Visit the Aspire website for more information.