All properties in the West Tamar Municipal Area are serviced by a fortnightly kerbside waste and recycling collection service.  Click below or download the app to explore Recycle Coach, the waste management app that helps keep track of kerbside collections and to figure out what goes where.

Collection Times

To view the collection times in your area please use the above RecycleCoach App or alternatively download the 2024/25 Waste Collection Calendar:


Council’s contractor can only empty wheelie bins issued by West Tamar Council and identified with Council’s logo. Each property is issued with a 140L waste bin (green or red lid) and a 140L recycling bin (yellow lid). It should remain at the property on change of ownership.

Each bin is marked with a unique identifying serial number which is recorded by Council.

Replacement Bins

We will generally replace bins when a person has genuinely lost a bin or had it stolen or damaged. The property owner may be required to produce a declaration regarding the loss of the bin. The bins should only be used for garbage and recycling collection, and are not issued for use as general household storage containers. To order a replacement bin, please contact us.

Residents and businesses can upgrade the normally issued 140 litre wheelie bins to the larger 240 litre bins, (or if required receive an additional two or more pairs of bins), provided that the owner of the property accepts the additional fees (delivery fee plus difference of annual waste charge on rates).

Upgrading to a 240 litre recycling bin is allowed in combination with a smaller waste bin at no extra annual waste charge, providing the delivery fee is paid. Residents can also downsize to an 85 litre waste bin if the requirement for waste disposal is small.

Please note that the bin delivery fee will be charged for any changes or upgrades, however new owners (recently purchased properties) or occupancies (new House built) receive a three month waiver, and if you are downsizing no delivery fee is charged.

For upgrades and changes, please contact us

Wheelie Bin fees and delivery charges are available in our Rates and Charges Brochure.

Placement of bins

When placing wheelie bins out for collection, please ensure that:

  • bins are placed on the kerbside the night before collection, or prior to 6am.  PLEASE NOTE: Bins in Elouera Street, Allawah Street and West Tamar Highway are serviced earlier – from 5am – to avoid high traffic volumes on those streets.
  • the bin is placed in full view of the road
  • the wheels are facing away from the road
  • it is on level ground and at least 1 metre away from any other wheelie bin
  • the wheelie bin is away from trees, power poles and any obstructions that would prevent the mechanical arm from being able to grab the bin (some residents may need to place bins further along the street or on the road pavement to stop vehicles obstructing them)
  • the lid is closed without items placed on top or beside it

Download the A-Z guide to recycling and waste or search via the Recycle Coach App to find out how to correctly dispose of your waste:

Items which CAN be placed in the RECYCLING bin:

  • Cardboard & Office Paper – Flatten boxes and place in bin (shredded paper should be disposed of in your red lidded rubbish or green lidded FOGO bin).
  • Newspaper & Magazines – Place in bin loose.
  • Glass Bottles & Jars – Rinse & remove all caps and lids. Plastic lids smaller than 8cm diameter go into the rubbish bin, those larger than 8cm can go into the recycling bin separately, along with steel lids. NO window glass, oven proof glass or ceramics are permitted in the recycling bin.
  • PET Bottles – Clear & coloured plastic bottles – rinse, squash and dispose of lids as above.
  • HDPE – All milk & cream clear or opaque containers – rinse, squash and remove all lids (lids to go in general waste bin).
  • PVC – Clear or opaque food containers – rinse, squash and remove all lids. PVC pipes cannot be recycled in your kerbside bin.
  • LDPE – Plastics and containers such as squeeze bottles – please rinse before recycling.
  • PP – Plastics and containers such as plastic hinged lunch boxes – place loose in recycling bin.
  • Aluminium & Steel Cans – Food & drink cans including aerosol cans. All food cans to be rinsed – steel can lids can be placed inside can and bent closed. Aerosol cans can be recycled but please remove lids and place into rubbish bin. Aluminium cans shouldn’t be crushed.

Please place all recyclable items into the recycling bin loose, not in bags, bundles or boxes. Plastic bags cannot be accepted in kerbside recycling.

Items that CAN’T be placed in the RECYCLING bin:

  • Polystyrene including meat trays.
  • Any soft plastics which don’t return to their original shape when scrunched, including plastic bags and chip packets etc.
  • Milk & Juice UHT Cartons – Flatten and place in waste bin.
  • Chemical containers.

Items that CAN’T be placed in the GENERAL WASTE kerbside bin:

  • hot ash
  • unwrapped vacuum cleaner dust
  • liquids
  • syringes
  • oils
  • paints and solvents
  • timber and building materials
  • recyclable materials
  • batteries (these can be recycled at our Riverside and Beaconsfield Offices)

Reducing Waste

Waste can be reduced by:

  • buying items with less packaging
  • using available kerbside and Waste Transfer Station recycling services
  • composting garden and food waste at home (or utilising our FOGO Service)

Home Composting

Home composting is a good way to significantly reduce your household waste. When composted, food waste and garden clippings decompose to make a great mulch for your garden.

You can either make your own compost heap in a shady part of your garden or use a compost bin. Items that can be added to compost include:

  • vegetable & fruit peelings
  • tea bags & coffee grinds
  • vacuum dust
  • small prunings, leaves & grass clippings
  • straw & sawdust
  • flowers
  • wood
  • ash
  • shredded paper & cardboard
  • used potting mix

The compost should be added in layers, with a layer of food scraps ideally being covered with a layer of grass clippings or leaves. The following items are NOT suitable for composting:

  • meat and bones
  • dairy products
  • large prunings
  • pet droppings
  • weeds with seeds
  • bleached paper or magazines.

The compost needs moisture and air to decompose effectively. To achieve this, turn it regularly and make sure it is always kept reasonably moist, without being waterlogged.

Worm Farms

Worm farms are another way to reduce food and garden waste. Worm castings that result from the worm’s decomposition of waste, also make an excellent soil conditioner for your garden.

As with compost heaps, a worm farm should be placed in a cool and shady part of the garden. The worms need a dark, moist, but not waterlogged environment at all times, any compostable food items, shredded into smaller pieces to allow the worms to efficiently decompose them, and neutral acidity with a pH level kept around 7.

This pH level can usually be achieved quite easily by ensuring a layer of green waste or moist paper or cardboard is regularly added with the food waste. Ensure that paper waste is not bleached or contaminated with any chemicals.

Newspapers and cardboard from food packaging are ideal. Most hardware stores and garden centres sell worm farms and worms, and will give you advice about how to look after them.

Further Information

More information in relation to waste and recycling can be found on the Rethink Waste website or by downloading the following information sheets: