West Tamar Council recognises the important role young people play in our community and is committed to ensuring the ongoing provision of youth services in the West Tamar Municipal Area.

The fifth West Tamar Youth Strategy (2023-2026) has been developed to provide a relevant, realistic and responsive framework that clearly outlines Council’s role in youth affairs, commensurate with our mission To create an inclusive community where people want to live, work and invest.

The Youth Strategy ‘Future Shapers, Game Changers’ 2023-2026 was presented to Council in the November Meeting and can be downloaded here: 

Wish to Comment?
Queries and comments on the Youth Strategy can be directed to Council’s Community Services Manager or Youth Development Officer on 6323 9200 or in writing to PO Box 16, Riverside, Tasmania, 7250 or by emailing  wtc@wtc.tas.gov.au.